Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Glitter Fairy

Oh how I love Christmas. The tree, the twinkle of the lights, the stockings hung by the fire...

until December 26 and then it is time for it to come down!  There is glitter EVERYWHERE!  I don't believe in fairies, but if I did, I know where they hid out during the holidays.

I decided to do a refrigerator purge and clean too.  Emptied all the left-over containers (made the chickens' day), and wiped it all down with a mixture of 3 parts warm water, 1 part white vinegar and 10 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil.  The rosemary essential oil adds a wonderful clean "piney" aroma in addition to having antibacterial qualities.

If you don't like that pine fresh scent... Lemon Essential Oil would also work great.

Now that the decorations and the tree are down and the floors are vacuumed, I think the hardwood would benefit from a good cleaning too.  But that is for another day. 

Right now it's time for a nice cup of something warm.